Monday, February 28, 2011


In the gym today i was feeling really angry. Undirected rage at nothing in particular. It wore off when i was working out, but it was a sence of impotent rage, because i was angry, but anything i did in anger, i would have 2 sort it out afterwards. I wanted 2 somehow use what i was feeling to acheive some fast, permanent and dramatic change, in myself, my circumstances or perhaps the world. But i couldn't. It seems that no single action would result in such a change. If i want to achieve anything lasting, i must devote time and effort to it. But moods can change much more quickly than circumstances and i fear i cannot dedicate myself like that. And that even if i could, other peoples circumstances change faster than i can keep up with...

I spose that is only important if the changes i desire are assosiated with other people.

Today's moroase complainin is brought 2 u by a hangover. Went out drinkin 4 a friends going away yesterday,and although i didnt feel overly drunk, i did have a bad hangover 2day. It is a recent development of mine, the last year or so, that a hangover is accompanied by feeling low.

That, and the fact i slept too late 2 do what i wanted 2 this morning, makes drinkin not seem worth it anymore.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Early to bed, Early rise

Starting work at the primary school as a tech is good. There is one drawback though, I need to get up at 630am, which is too early. Especially since its tuesdays and thursdays, and mondays and wednesdays I work at the pokies until 11pm, then i ride home.

When i get home I need to iron shirts for the next day, get everything ready to make sure I'm not late or unprepared. The actual work I do is fairly banal, but thats only because im useless as a tech and got the job through a friend, hopefully as time goes by i will get better.

I like the idea of getting up early, and now that i have enough money to eat well and buy lots of suppliments and natrapathic remedies so i dont get sick from lack of sleep. But that being said i would rather not strain myself like that. Since it makes it harder to grow muscles without proper rest periods between gym sessions etc.

So now I feel like i shall become an early morning person and go to sleep at boring people respectable times. Like married people do...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How do you make friends?

I tend to think about things alot, and recently, with most of my close friends having been eaten by either the move-away monster, the new-full-time-work monster or the relationship monster, I've been wanting to make a new socail circle.

There are a couple of new people i have met lately, through having got a part-time job at a gaming venue, who i could see myself becoming friends with. But i dont know how to transition from "enjoy your company in forced employment environment" to "friend who you see outside of work". Not to mention being hospitality, maybe they are just friendly people and i am reading too much into it / thinking about it too much.

One of the guys in my research group at work has started to ask me to hang out more, go to squash on weekends, go to a gaming thing organised by other uni people. I think this could be a transition from uni-friendquantence to friend.

I have also started to hang out with my brother more, go to his dj gig's etc. And so through him I am begining to make friends with his friends, although forever I think I would think of them as "his friends".

I have been trying to keep in contact with alot of the people I hung out with in undergraduate. I find without the structure of uni, i.e. we need to be around for our next class but are not busy right then so we just chillin on south lawn chattin while we wait etc, we dont have much to talk about. There seems limited reason to remain friends. Its not an easy going, comfortable hanging out, but more of that awkward catchup chit-chat.

That being said, there are a couple of people who i wasnt particularly close to in undergraduate that i have seen a couple of times over the last couple of months who i wouldnt mind hanging out with more. But they often seem busy or are uninterested in hanging out except for fairly specific activities. Its becoming a "friend-for-x-activity" sort of deal, and I wonder how I could change that to just being friends. Im also unsure as to whether or not there is any point.

I remember a sex in the city episode were one of the characters had a booty call she used when she was feeling down, and she tried to make a relationship with him, and in the end they both felt awkward, and so she lost her booty call. Would trying to be closer friends with someone you just see every so often to go out drinking with when you cant have your usual crew be analoguous?

Luckily I have one of my closer friends returning from her trip to America in a few weeks, so at least I can steal her hang out time... although she is coming home to start a new job... DAMN YOU NEW-FULL-TIME-WORK MONSTER!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh sunburn, where for art though sunburn...

A pain in the shoulders by any other name...

That bike ride i went on on sunday, well I didnt put any sunscreen on, which is a no no in australia. Although it was record wet weather with flooding the day before, which tore up the ashfalt of the bike path and some of the bridges over the creeks on the bikepath, the rain eased sunday morning, and after being in the partial cloud for about 8 hrs, I am epically sunburned.

I cant sleep to good (see i am practacing speaking foreign languages, that was my bogan) cos my shoulders/back hurts so i wake up every half hour or so when i shift around in bed.

But my lower arms stoped being burned in like 2 days. I think this was because i have a bit of a tan there, so the tan protected me from getting burned too bad, and made me rocover faster. This means, i should get a tan, no matter what those silly australian adds say about tans being "skin in trauma"

I dont think i trust government policy, ever since i found out that a pilot study into the detrimental long term effects on binge drinking in adolescents brains / learning capacity showed they have suprisingly high resiliance, and that there appears to be no noticible detriment, contermanding the governments stance, so the research focus was changed because of funding concerns. ie, they couldnt publish because it conflicted with the government stated policy. Loc

I feel tans are similar things.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Latitude is a bit of a stalker app imho. I can tell where my flatmate is most of the time if i feel like looking it up on my phone. Of course it works both ways, but i was curious if he was still at home cos his door was shut, but one quick look at latitude and i know he is at work. Stalker vibe is strong with this one.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fitness diary

I have decided I'm going to start another blog and have it be a fitness diary. It will record my activity for each day so I can have an accurate record. Since I often loose books etc, and hobbies are just time wastes and this is just as good/bad time waster as anything else, I may as well.

But I decided to make it a seperate blog just because I thought it would be easier to keep track and for others to ignore if it didnt appeal to them to read.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DJ Brother

I went to Escobar last night because my brother was doing his first bar/club DJ gig.

It was a little quiet (maybe a half the number of people it would need to feel "alive"), apparently the owner doesnt feel compelled to advertise for a thursday night crowd. The place has been open for years on fridays, and does really well for turnout. Its a nice place, has lasers / spotlight things / fog machine. Its a long narrow joint, maybe 50 m by 20. The central area is occupied by a wooden dance floor, flanked on one long side by a large, continous, bench couch with a few small tables and backless chair/footrests. The other side of the dance floor is the bar. The Dj stand is at one narrow end, and the other end is a sort of corridor to the entrance lined to one side with seating booths.

There are alot of mirrors and the place has a high ceiling, making it a fairly open and pleasent interior. Also meaning while i was there (although it wasnt packed) it didnt get hot, humid and unpleasant in summer like other places do (*cough* new guernica *cough*).

Anway, my bro started mixing some tracks about 10-11 then relenquished to the main DJ and some other guy she was trying out that night, then he did from 11:30-1 as a duo with the normal DJ.

I thought it was really good. The music was very bass heavy, as expected for dance music, my brother felt he hadnt brought enough mainstream tracks to mix in his collection, but the normal DJ had alot.

I got told I dance like a spastic, which is usual. I chatted with some of the others who were there, mostly friends of the three DJ's, although there were also a Mother advertising group who were giving out free mother, and free poleriods of the people who were there. My brothers girlfriend chatted to some guys who turned out to be male strippers, and she got their cards for a hens night she is organising later in the year. I chatted to the main DJ's gf, who it turns out is a main organiser of Sexpo. She had some interesting stories :p.

My bro did noticably stuff up two or three times with his mixing, and you could tell he knew it too. But it was mostly amazing (not too bad, only a couple of noticeable stuffups over several hours of mixing). I was extremely impressed, i havent the creativity or confidence to try something as cool as remixing tracks successfully. And he knew his way around the decks really well, just standing there hitting buttons, twisting diles, slidding the volume nobs like a pro. I couldnt even really tell how what he was doing was related to the music, but it seemed to work. Its a very esoteric skill.

Anyway, it was really cool, and he got asked back next week. The main DJ said they had a bit more advertising out for next thursday night, so hopefully there will be more of a crowd, it will be cool.

Im deffinitely going again next week.