Monday, August 23, 2010


I am running an optimisation in MATLAB. its taking a long time, also its a little silly because it calculates values before working out if they fall within the constraint set. so it breaks my code a bit.

Also it takes a long time.

So while waiting for that ill talk about optimism:

Optimistic: believing the ALP might win on saturday night. Unrealistic: believing they still have a shot. :P

When i cast my vote on saturday, i thought to myself, hmm, should i not vote for the person who i most want to represent me in the house of representatives, and having heard some (not alot) of the Sex Parties policies, i like them abit more than the others (for some reason i really dont like the greens).

The sex parties freedom of sexual expression add on youtube was very funny, i liked their sex worker anti-discrimination stuff, even tho i make use of the cliche "dirty hooker" stereotype in random jokes sometimes. and i liked their lighthearted approach to politics. I didnt agree with their removal of state from religion, i believe religion is integral to the human psyci, all people have subjective, and therefore not purely rational, opinions and beliefs. if its a representative government then its should also contain elements of the populations beleifs.

Then i remembered that my seat was a bit of a swing seat, and i heard labour may loose and i knew i didnt want a liberal government no mater that i also wasnt keen on a labour government. So i voted labour, because i thought it would be important to help my seat swing to labour.

So in the end, i felt i was being pragmatic, but it was fear of a liberal government, rather than optimistic hope that i could get the sex party candidate (plus there wasnt one in my electorate and i didnt like the other parties) elected that made me vote labour. I was worried i would waste my vote by aiming for something unachievable, but believed it may contribute if i put it towards a near shot. (labour gained my seat so i was sorta right, although i did absentee so it hasnt been added to the total yet),

Monday, August 9, 2010


Is it just me or do people seem a certain way?

To explain what I mean, I see alot of people who I walk past and think, "wow, they look like a tv charicature (i know i cant spell)". They look like they are right out of some tv show or other; sometimes they appear as if all their character is right there in their (almost comicly) trendy clothing; sometimes they appear to be oblivious to the ammount of swagger in their walk, to the point where you wonder if they wont fall over. They almost dont look like real people. Hard to explain, but i think its best tried through comparison.

I see some people who I think of as looking plain, like they would be a bit of an effort to make conversation with, and that they wouldn't stand out too much (despite the fact that I do notice them enough to think about them). They seem like real people, but I can almost imagine they stop existing when noone more exciting is around for them to fill out the background. although i also imagine they are fairly polite.

There are others who look like "normal" people, they may be slightly trendy, somewhat confident or appear a little shy etc, but there is nothing about them that you think looks surreal. You think if you chatted to them, they may have done some stuff they found interesting, had a bit of a life, go places, have goals they are chasing after, people they dont like. Just normal stuff.

Sometimes I get a strong urge to talk to some of the people I see and think look sorta plain, especailly if they look a little distant or sad. I want to know why they feel sad, I want to talk to them and make them smile. It is very condescending of me. But I also think they may have amazing things to tell me, that noone has ever heard from them before.

I mostly dont like the people i see as trendy/overconfident etc. They seem like surrealistic parodies of humans. But they also seem like they would be very entertaining, but i think i would feel plain by comparison. I these people seem charismatic and I dont like them for it.

"Oh chip on my shoulder,
where did you come from?
where are you going?
why must i carry you to your destination?
Oh chip, be somewhere else." - to be said in a lyrical voice :p

Oh, yay, my Matlab file has finished its UKF estimation of some data, now i shall go look at it.
