Tuesday, May 31, 2011


In the process of finding a new share house at the moment, I have come across this awesome place in Flemington/Kensington that I want really badly.

Its a six bedroom house, currently with 4 girls and 1 guy. Mostly they work full-ish time and study. Its right near the train station, two pubs and a bunch of fast food outlets and a tramline. The house is huge, two toilets (only one shower...). They have 2 cats and are super into sci-fi and british comedy. Oh and the other thing, its like 120 a week, supa sweet!

So I went for the interview/inspection last night. I almost didnt make it since the add didnt have the exact address, although it had a dot on the map (which turned out to be the local bottle-o) so I sent an email (only contact I had) 5 minutes before to say I needed the full address and maybe we could reschedule, and then they msged me with the full address like a minute later. So I made it, although I only had 2% left on my phone so lucky lucky.

We chatted about things for 1.25 hrs. I feel this is a fairly good sign. Although I think I interupted a bit much, but that is a habit of mine. They are currently watching Stargate SG1, and they have a Daniel Jackson doll because the girls think he is cute, sitting on a unicorn on their mantlepeice. Apparently he turns up in alot of strange places in photo's noone really remembers taking after party nights at their house. They also watch Being Human, Buffy, Doctor Who (and have had a Doctor Who themed piss up!), True Blood and a bunch of others I like. No Babylon 5 tho...

They had a wine cellar, alot of bottles of alcohol just sitting around (stones ginger wine on the mantlepeice next to Dan, ginger wine... takes me back to year 11). They have a local pub they all go to together for music and trivia, within "stumbling" distance according to them... So much nerd-cool. I want this house.

I am hoping the one and a quarter hours of chatting is a good indicator, I have been to other places where I thought we had hit it off well, never to hear from them again. But excitedly optimistic. Also the guy used to live/work in my hometown. So that was cool. Oh and they are all from the country, so none of this weird city-folk attitude that everyone else i know has...

want want want

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This morning on the way to work on the bus a kid lost his phone. The bus was going from Cragieburn to Mount Ridley P-12 College.

His first reaction was a bit "hey who took my phone?" then one of the other kids pointed out he had put it down on the seat on a different bus they had just transfered from. He then proceded to run to the front of the bus, shouting "Someone give me their f#ing phone so i can call that bus" (the other bus had just left)

Then he came back to his friends, one who was saying it would be ok and their friend would pick up the phone, the other who was saying it would be gone for good. The kid had a full break down over his phone. He started by swaering his head off, then he started crying.

Other kids hoped on later and some made fun of him, others tried to console him. It was hard to be simpathetic, since afterall, 1 he was a tool who screamed alot and 2 what the hell is a grade 3 kid doing with an iphone 4 anyway?

It was very funny, he rang his parents using a friends phone and lied saying it must of fallen out of his pocket on the other bus because "my parents are going to kill me". Lollsicles, summary is: first he screamed like an agro wog, (after the bus driver told him off) then he cried like a little bitch.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What does the world and your face have in common?

Not that much, but some stuff. (Still working on the insulting punch line.)

Osama Bin Laden is dead. America celebrated like it was a royal wedding. Australia has been divided on the celebration issue. Our PM said it was ok to rejoice in the death of Bin Laden.

The whole thing has got me wondering tho, although I believe he did it, there was never any trial. He was essentially hunted and executed without being found guilty of anything according to the Americans. What's more, I wonder about the differentiation between soldier and non-combatant/civillian that many people are touting as justification for our crusade against him.

Many claims of "if it were Australian innocents that had died in the twin towers" suggest that we am more sceptical because it was americans who where targeted, not australians. But i wonder, what are they innocent of? If you believe that America has won its freedoms and liberties at the expense of other nations, then aren't all the people of america guilty of exploitation? Even if they dont explicitly condone exploitation, the fact they continue to engage in the society that is purpertrating it is implicit condolence or even lazy involvement. At least some could argue the point as such.

And then, if they are all guilty of being part of the "exploitative regime of America", is there a difference between killing American citizens and killing beurocratic elements of an enemy army? Civilians may not do the killing, but they empower the machine.

Anyway, i think im just annoyed at the emotive tone of the arguements used to date. War is war, death is death, people are people. Is this war worst than most because one side hides from the militarily superior oposition? Was killing Osama justice, despite there being no trial? Are civilians that benifit from wealth inequality excempt from responsibility of their governments actions that produce/perpetuate that inequality?

I dont know what I think about it all...