Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh sunburn, where for art though sunburn...

A pain in the shoulders by any other name...

That bike ride i went on on sunday, well I didnt put any sunscreen on, which is a no no in australia. Although it was record wet weather with flooding the day before, which tore up the ashfalt of the bike path and some of the bridges over the creeks on the bikepath, the rain eased sunday morning, and after being in the partial cloud for about 8 hrs, I am epically sunburned.

I cant sleep to good (see i am practacing speaking foreign languages, that was my bogan) cos my shoulders/back hurts so i wake up every half hour or so when i shift around in bed.

But my lower arms stoped being burned in like 2 days. I think this was because i have a bit of a tan there, so the tan protected me from getting burned too bad, and made me rocover faster. This means, i should get a tan, no matter what those silly australian adds say about tans being "skin in trauma"

I dont think i trust government policy, ever since i found out that a pilot study into the detrimental long term effects on binge drinking in adolescents brains / learning capacity showed they have suprisingly high resiliance, and that there appears to be no noticible detriment, contermanding the governments stance, so the research focus was changed because of funding concerns. ie, they couldnt publish because it conflicted with the government stated policy. Loc

I feel tans are similar things.

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