Thursday, June 23, 2011


Am I sick of being tired or tired of being sick?

I may be coming down with a cold. I seem to get ill so easily, it shits me. And I feel the only real corralatory data seems to be how much I sleep (on average 6 hours a day midweek, 8-9 weekends). When i get a consistant 8 or more a day I seem more healthy. But its so irritating trying to get everything done I want, I need the extra two hours a day mid-week. The other thing is the ammount of coffee i drink because I dont sleep that much. (I also realise there are lots of people who sleep less than 6 hours a day who are fine, its just my retarded body needs more)

I drink lots of coffee because Im tired/habit, I maybe dont sleep that well due to too much coffee...

I wasnt really noticing how tired i was lately, mayb the coffee is masking that warning sign. So now its coffee drought time... no coffee for me. Lets see how that works out... That also includes red bull and v.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Life is like a tv show

So I have started season 7 (maybe?) with a shift in house. So to explain how it is like a tv show. since about thursday to saturday, it has seemed like the first episode of a new season. There has been introduction to new people and locations (hey look the sets have changed, and not all the cast came back after the break) and a break from prior storylines.

My old flatmates have been downgraded to secondary characters (I havent really hung out with them too much, except some token drinking saturday night after i had been out with other people (throw back to season 6, explaining why cast members arnt going to be around so much)). I have reintroduced some old characters (I went out with different friends from early uni days for most of the weekend, also turns out i live a few hundred meters from an old uni friend and we did lunch on saturday) and there are new (potentially) main characters in the form of the new flatmates, some of who i have seen everyday since thursday. Sounds like a reintroductory first episode of a well established tv show to me...

Then on sunday i started moving some stuff (Ep 2). My brother and his new gf help me, instead of my flatmates like last few times (see downgrade in airtime?). and we moved some stuff, then explored the neighbourhood, had wine and fish and chips on the unfurnished floor of my room (anyone say moving montage?). It seems like episode one is over, and episode two is the moving episode... i think episode 3 probably revisits some old season 6 characters and establishes the limits of their new reduced airtime... :P

So to recap:

Episode One: Welcome back, change in scene and cast, brief nod to season 6 cast, reintroduction of season 4/5 characters who weren't big in season 6, introduction of new season 7 cast

Episode Two (current-ongoing):Moving montage, establishment of new romantic interest for my brother (old actress didnt want to sign up for a new season?), begining of new "at home" storylines.

Episode Three: Old storylines finally put to rest, new storylines established... Maybe... :P

Lol @ my own analogy, i find it so amusing...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Place

I got a new place, in kensington, for 125pw. Its fairly spacious, 15 minutes walk from the trainstation. So yay, more sleep in on work days. 3 other guys live there. All gamers. One smoker. two students and a full time worker. They seemed fairly relaxed... The only thing is they didn't seem as socail as the other house I was talking about earlier.

I still have to get approval from the landlord. But I think its a done deal, because they said I could start moving stuff in this weekend. Its cool, I get to meet new people, yay. I'm a bit tired as its Thursday so ive been up at 6 4 days in a row by now, and since there is that visiting masters student taking up all of my non-work days with sailing testing for his project i havent had a proper day off since two weeks ago.

I need to cancel the other inspections i had lined up for this weekend, but im not sure if i should do it just yet... may as well.

I suppose the next entry will be about my impression of the new housemates. Its a little odd, i have never lived with people i didnt know at all before moving in, its a surrealistic experiance. Cohabitation due to financial constraints almost reminiscent of the forced proximity of school. it leads to potentially more intense emotional interchange. There is more then a shared desire for eachothers company forcing you to interact with one another, therefore you must interact past the point where you would have normally said goodnight with your friends.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sad, but opitunity comes along all the time...

I didn't get the place I was talking about in the last post. Is sad because I wanted it. But I have continued looking. Waiting to hear back from a place with 3 guys in flemington. Pretty cheap, big house, ok location, guys seemed ok... not as fun appearance as the other place, but still ok. Anyway, lets not put it down until we find out if we have the offer anyway.