Thursday, October 13, 2011

Around the bay in a day.

This Sunday is the Bupa around the bay in a day bicycle ride. It can be a ride between 50-250 kilometers. Only the 210k and the 250k actually go around the entire bay, the others go part way and stop or turn back on themselves. The map is here.

Since I am doing the Great Vic bike ride in late November, I am thinking that this may be a good practice/warm up. The event organisers who run the Great vic also run the Bupa, and they suggest doing both (they are also the ones who sell the tickets...)

I have an ex-flatmate, still friend (kinda) who is doing the Bupa, not ligit, just going to ride with them. And he brought this up at squash the other day, and i asked him who he is going with, and he said some friends of his.

I was sorta thinking about going, but I hadnt looked up when it was, and the weather is going to be nice on sunday. If I did a dodgy and just rode the track without buying a ticket, that would be the financial aspect covered. However, i feel a little awckward inviting myself along with my friend. Him and I dont talk much anymore, there isnt any bad blood, i just dont feel comfortable around him anymore (and im not a fan of his other cycling buddies). He brought it up, so that could have been like a psudo invite, but on the other hand he didnt actually ask if i wanted to come along, and he often mentions stuff that he is doing with other friends of his that he doesnt want ppl tagging along to.

The long and short of it is, i dont feel comfortable going along to it because him and his mates are going to be doing it, and I dont want to be like "Oh, can i come too?" I hate asking that, its like one, they cant really say no for no reason so it puts them on the spot, and two, makes me feel pathetic that im not fun enough company to be invited in the first place. But i think i really would like to go...

Another thing is i dont think i would like to start "tagging along" with the actual ticket holders without some mates around to blend into a group so i dont stand out as a scumming freeloader so much.

Also if i do go, i will need: sunscreen, water, some snacks for if i get hungry, some spare cash, my phone, a spare tyre, a pump and a couple of screwdrivers/tyre levers for changing tyre, sunnies, musicplayer (250ks will get tedious without it)

Maybe i will bite the bullet, swollow my pride (which is not a euphamism like i believe it is in "only girl in the world". seriously the lyrics go: "I wanna make your bed for ya, then imma make you swallow your pride" which isnt AS bad as i thought, i misheard them as "I wanna make you a bad boy, then imma make you swallow your pride" which i think implies a snowblow :p, but the bed lyric still works for that, albiet a BIG stretch) and just ask "can i come 2?" so that i have some ppl to hang with for the first little bit, then cos they are more cycly then me, they'll power on ahead and i can spend most of the way on my own, as it should be...

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