Monday, September 6, 2010

Plans for the future

What is the future that i plan for? I think its made of several parts, and im working towards goals in most of them at a good rate imho.

Future is:
socail future - friendship circles and "special" friend ;P
financial future - academic studies and work and money.
health future - mental and physical.

My socail future has taken a step back with the person i spend most of my free time going to america for 7 months. She was really drunk at her going away party, and she begged me to go with her. It's nice to know I have such passionate and careing friends. :P

However my plans for my social future are shaped by my plans for my health future. I am still going to the gym, and i am still enjoying it alot. i am getting fitter and faster, I am also playing squash quite alot and am getting reasonable imo, although still not quite as good as some of my friends i can sometimes win games. I figure as i get more confident in my body, as well as getting more confident to increased exposure to endorphines, I will get less emo and moody, and make a better impression on people, which will let me be more outgoing and meet more people. also i have the chance to meet people through sports etc.

A friend of mine wrote a blog where they described how they ended up in a fwb relationship, the key i believe was this basic formula: massage => sex. Being close enough to someone (or being attractive and confident enough) that someone will let you give them a massage can lead to sex. My not particularly diverse range of experiance in this subject leads me to believe this is true, as most bowchikawowow starts with pawing/massage. especailly when your both drunk. so for a health/social point of view i think i will learn how to give awesome massage. Another point tho is that you have to be comfortable about giving massage, which for me means i cant be thinking about it "becoming sex if i play it right", need to be relaxed. Which means descosiating massage from sex, otherwise i wouldnt be calm giving massage. So i need to learn AND practice in a platonic environment. then ill have an awesome move to add to my arsenal. :P And that is my plan for moving into the future with "special" friends :P.

mental and physical health -> continue my reasonable progress at the gym. although i also am trying to go out more and socialise so i dont feel lonely and melencholic, and trying to focus on positives, as emotions are like muscles and get stronger by use. Be happy and you'll be happier more often.

work plans are shaping up ok too, 9 job applications in the past 2 weeks, (which is good for my record, since i tend to procrastinate) only 5 rejections so far, but applying to two more later today (since they were posted on seek on the same day). My plan is to apply to one every day (although im not too down on myself if i forget one or two days). I figure eventually someone is goin to say yes (think about worst case: ppl in employment are not all smart, if they make a mistake 1% of the time that means even if i dont fill the role perfectly someone eventually will hire me by mistake). As my completion date becomes more solid on my masters i think i will start getting more positive replys. But i am suprissingly optimistic about my job prospects.

As for finishing my masters, with the (near) completion of the hardware, i believe i will almost be finished except for the write up, and i dont think that will be too complicated. I believe i should finish within the next 5 months. I also think i may have a shot at publishing one or two more conference papers (this is just to make me feel good about my research and to add to my resume as most academics dont consider conferences very highly) which i may be able to convert into a journal paper for completion/publication as a part time thing after i finish my masters (this is also to make me feel good about my research, but also to keep in touch with my supervisors and to make them happier about my addition to their research group). Think of having high goals as running to the top of the stairs, even if you fail, your still on a higher step then before, not like reaching for the sky, because if you fail you fall from the sky, which is a bad analogy, because normally if you try hard for a hard goal, you acheive more than if you try for a easy goal and succeed.

anyways thats my plans for my immediate future (for reference for myself for the comming months)

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